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Terrence Darcy Ballin1,2

#5013, b. circa 1930, d. 30 May 2012
Birth*circa 19303 
EngagementApr 1950Coral Hahn4 
Marriage*20 Apr 1951Coral Hahn; Lutheran Church, Teviotville, Queensland, Australia5,6 
Death*30 May 2012Ipswich Hospital, Ipswich, Queensland, Australia; aged 823 
Burial*6 Jun 2012Boonah, Queensland, Australia; after a service at St. John's Lutheran Church, Ipswich7 


  1. [S200] Geoff Zischke, compiler. The History of Carl August Hahn and Henriette Hahn (nee Kahrz) and Their Descendants 1884-1984, page 68.
  2. [S137] Commonwealth electoral roll, Queensland, 1980, Oxley division, Ipswich subdisivion.
  3. [S6] Mailing list 'Aus-Newspaper-Extracts' at Rootsweb.com, quoting Queensland Times (Ipswich) 2 Jun 2012, deaths; BALLIN.
  4. [S2] 1950 'Family Notices', Queensland Times (Ipswich, Qld), 6 April, p.8, http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article124642667; engagement notice, HAHN-BALLIN.
  5. [S2] 1951 'Family Notices', Queensland Times (Ipswich, Qld), 19 April, p.8, http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article124612307; pre-marriage: BALLIN - HAHN.
  6. [S2] 1951 'Recent Weddings', Queensland Times (Ipswich, Qld), 1 May, p.4, http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article124606709: BALLIN-HAHN.
  7. [S6] Mailing list 'Aus-Newspaper-Extracts' at Rootsweb.com, quoting Queensland Times (Ipswich) 4 Jun 2012, funerals; BALLIN.