• Don't rely on what you see here; verify it yourself. See Citations, and [Source] pages to which they lead.
  • I welcome corrections, additions or questions. My address is at the bottom of the page.

Emilie Ottilie Steinke1

#1078, b. 22 Aug 1881, d. 12 Jun 1964
FatherGustav Ferdinand Steinke1 (circa 1854 - 1941)
MotherWilhelmine Friedrike Limberg1 (circa 1854 - 1921)
Birth*22 Aug 1881Queensland, Australia1 
Marriage*12 Feb 1902Albert Schimke; Lutheran Church, Plainland, Queensland, Australia; (first wedding in the new church)2,3 
Death*12 Jun 1964Queensland, Australia4,5 
Memorial-*Coolana, Queensland, Australia6 
Children with Albert Schimke:
Children 1.Auguste Schimke7 (1903 - 1997)
 2.Frank Albert Schimke+7 (1904 - 1952)
 3.Margareth Emilie Schimke7 (1907 - 1987)
 4.Bertha Louisa Schimke7 (1909 - 1999)
 5.Elsie Anna Schimke+8 (1910 - 2009)
 6.Eva Eda Schimke+7 (1913 - 1991)
 7.William August Schimke+9 (1914 - 1985)
 8.David Frederick Schimke+10 (1917 - 2009)
 9.Minnie Vena Schimke+11 (1919 - 2013)
 10.Gladys Hilda Schimke+12 (1922 - 2003)
 11.Vera May Schimke13 (1928 - 1994)
Appears on Chart:STEINKE Descendant Chart


  1. [S80] Queensland Registrar-General's births index; Emilie Ottilie STAENKE (22 Aug 1881) 1881/C/4970 parents Gustav Ferdinand STAENKE, Wilhelmine LINDENBERG.
  2. [S2] 1902 'Orange Blossoms', Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser (Qld), 18 February, p.5, http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article122543659: SCHIMKE - STEINKE.
  3. [S81] Queensland Registrar-General's marriages index; 1902/C1717 (12 Feb 1902) Emilie Ottilie STEINKE, Albert SCHIMKE.
  4. [S79] Queensland Registrar-General's deaths index; 1964/C2239 (12 Jun 1964) Emilie Ottilie SCHIMKE, parents Gustav Ferdinand STEINKE and Wilhelmina LIMBERG.
  5. [S90] Dern Index (D. and J. Dern, Bundaberg, c1999).
  6. [S90] Dern Index; SCHIMKE Emilie O.
  7. [S170] Family Group Sheet, Kerry COLLINS, Oct 2000.
  8. [S80] Queensland Registrar-General's births index; Elsie Anna SCHIMKE (23 Dec 1910) 1911/C/5308 parents Albert SCHIMKE, Emilie Ottilie STEINKE.
  9. [S80] Queensland Registrar-General's births index; William August SCHIMKE (13 Nov 1914) 1914/C/7326 parents Albert SCHIMKE, Emilie Ottilie STEINKE.
  10. [S170] Family Group Sheet, Kerry COLLINS, Oct 2000: birth index ref.1918/001530.
  11. [S170] Family Group Sheet, Kerry COLLINS, Oct 2000: birth index ref.1919/005631.
  12. [S80] Queensland Registrar-General's births index; Gladys Hilda SCHIMKE (24 Mar 1922) 1922/C/5050 parents Albert SCHIMKE, Emilie Ottilie STEINKE.
  13. [S171] Email, 31 Jan 2005, Kerri KLEIDON to Judy WEBSTER (source not cited).
  • Don't rely on what you see here; verify it yourself. See Citations, and [Source] pages to which they lead.
  • I welcome corrections, additions or questions. My address is at the bottom of the page.

Emma Wilhelmina Steinke1,2,3,4

#1079, b. 9 Aug 1883, d. 13 Mar 1971
FatherGustav Ferdinand Steinke5,3 (circa 1854 - 1941)
MotherWilhelmine Friedrike Limberg5,3 (circa 1854 - 1921)
Name VariationWilhelmine Emma Steinke5,6 
Birth*9 Aug 1883Queensland, Australia5 
Marriage*3 Apr 1902John Joseph Lyons; Queensland, Australia2,7 
Death*13 Mar 1971Queensland, Australia; aged 873,8 
Burial*15 Mar 1971Laidley, Queensland, Australia9 
Memorial-*Laidley, Queensland, Australia8 
Children with John Joseph Lyons:
Children 1.William John Lyons10 (1902 - 1975)
 2.Albert Edward Lyons+11 (1904 - 1984)
 3.May Wilhelmina Lyons12 (1907 - 1998)
 4.Frank Charles Lyons13 (1909 - 1991)
 5.Mervyn Emil Lyons+14 (1912 - 1990)
 6.Gustave Henry Lyons+15 (1914 - )
 7.Emily Mary Lyons16 (1916 - )
 8.Leonard Thomas Lyons17 (1917 - 1919)
 9.Marcus David Lyons6 (1919 - 2005)
 10.Ellen Doris Lyons+18 (1922 - 2014)
 11.Jean Susie Lyons+ (circa 1925 - 2009)
Appears on Chart:STEINKE Descendant Chart


  1. [S10] Birth certificate, Franz Gustav STEINKE, 31 May 1888; photographic copy issued by Queensland State Archives for the Registrar-General lists her as Emma Wilhelmina.
  2. [S81] Queensland Registrar-General's marriages index; Emma Wilhelmine STEINKE and John Joseph LYONS (3 Apr 1902) 1902/C/1728.
  3. [S79] Queensland Registrar-General's deaths index; Emma Wilhelmine LYONS (13 Mar 1971) 1971/C801 parents Gustav Ferdinand STEINKE, Wilhelmine Frederike LIMBERG.
  4. [S9] Death certificate, Gustav Ferdinand STEINKE (courtesy of Gayle IRWIN) says Emma Wilhelmine; informant was her sister A.L. REESE.
  5. [S80] Queensland Registrar-General's births index; Wilhelmine Emma STEINKE (9 Aug 1883) 1883/C/5945 parents Wilhelmine Friedrike LINDENBERG, Gustav Ferdinand STEINKE.
  6. [S80] Queensland Registrar-General's births index; Marcus David LYONS 1919/C/13255 (30 Nov 1919) mother Wilhelmine Emma STEINKE, father John Joseph LYONS.
  7. [S171] Email, Jean FFRENCH to Judy WEBSTER, 31 Mar 2013.
  8. [S20] Monumental inscription, Laidley cemetery; John and Emma LYONS (headstone photographed 2021 by Judy WEBSTER).
  9. [S114] Genealogical Society of Queensland's burial register indexes: register ref.180: Emma Wilhelmina LYONS.
  10. [S80] Queensland Registrar-General's births index; 1905/C8113 (born 8 Nov 1904) Albert Edward LYONS, father John Joseph, mother Emma Wilhelmine STEINKE.
  11. [S80] Queensland Registrar-General's births index; Albert Edward LYONS (8 Nov 1904) 1905/C/8113 parents John Joseph LYONS, Emma Wilhelmine STEINKE.
  12. [S80] Queensland Registrar-General's births index; 1907/C8959 (born 21 Feb 1907) May Wilhelmina LYONS, father John Joseph, mother Emma Wilhelmina STEINKE.
  13. [S80] Queensland Registrar-General's births index; Frank Charles LYONS (11 Sep 1909) 1909/C/5862 parents John Joseph LYONS, Emma Wilhelmina STEINKE.
  14. [S80] Queensland Registrar-General's births index; 1912/C6935 (born 12 Oct 1912) Mervyn Emil LYONS, father John Joseph, mother Emma Wilhelmina STEINKE.
  15. [S80] Queensland Registrar-General's births index; 1914/C6414 (born 21 Mar 1914) Gustave Henry LYONS, father John Joseph, mother Emma Wilhelmina STEINKE.
  16. [S80] Queensland Registrar-General's births index; 1916/C5775 (born 25 May 1916) Emily Mary LYONS, father John Joseph, mother Emma Wilhelmina STEINKE.
  17. [S80] Queensland Registrar-General's births index; 1917/C13660 (born 2 Oct 1917) Leonard Thomas LYONS, father John Joseph, mother Emma Wilhelmina STEINKE.
  18. [S80] Queensland Registrar-General's births index; Ellen Doris LYONS (3 Feb 1922) 1922/C/1577 parents John Joseph LYONS, Wilhelmine Emma STEINKE.
  • Don't rely on what you see here; verify it yourself. See Citations, and [Source] pages to which they lead.
  • I welcome corrections, additions or questions. My address is at the bottom of the page.

Heinrich Adolf Steinke1

#1080, b. 7 Jan 1885, d. 1 Sep 1965
FatherGustav Ferdinand Steinke1 (circa 1854 - 1941)
MotherWilhelmine Friedrike Limberg1 (circa 1854 - 1921)
Birth*7 Jan 1885Hatton Vale, Queensland, Australia1,2 
Marriage*6 May 1909Bertha Auguste Hoger; Ropeley, Queensland, Australia3,4 
Death*1 Sep 1965Queensland, Australia5,6 
Name VariationHenry Adolf Steinke7,8,9 
Memorial-*Lutheran Cemetery, Plainland, Queensland, Australia10 
Children with Bertha Auguste Hoger:
Children 1.Clara Auguste Steinke11 (1910 - 1985)
 2.Louisa Bertha Steinke+12 (1911 - 1989)
 3.Walter Henry Steinke+9 (1912 - 1996)
 4.Esther Emma Steinke13 (1914 - 1998)
 5.Olga Lena Steinke+14 (1915 - 1975)
 6.Henry Gustave Fred Steinke15 (1918 - 1919)
 7.Violet Elsie Steinke+14 (1920 - 2008)
 8.Irene May Steinke+16 (1922 - 1994)
Appears on Chart:STEINKE Descendant Chart


  1. [S80] Queensland Registrar-General's births index; Heinrich Adolf STEINKE (7 Jan 1885) 1885/C/6613 parents Gustav Ferdinand STEINKE, Wilhelmine Friedrike LINDENBERG.
  2. [S171] Email, Kerri KLEIDON to Judy WEBSTER, 31 Jan 2005, says Hatton Vale but doesn't cite a source.
  3. [S81] Queensland Registrar-General's marriages index; Henry Adolf STEINKE and Bertha Auguste HOGER (6 May 1909) 1909/C/1387.
  4. [S7] Internet mailing list message at Rootsweb.com 2003, citing sources as Anthony Panzram, David Haines of Watsonia Vic, and Ipswich and District Pioneer Register pre-1914, vol.2, p.119, Ray Linsket (Ipswich Genealogical Society, 2000).
  5. [S79] Queensland Registrar-General's deaths index; Heinrich Adolf STEINKE (1 Sep 1965) 1965/C/5640 parents Wilhelmine Friedrike LIMBERG, Gustav Ferdinand STEINKE.
  6. [S20] Monumental inscription, Plainland cemetery; Henry Adolf and Bertha Auguste STEINKE (headstone photographed 2017 by Judy WEBSTER).
  7. [S90] Dern Index (D. and J. Dern, Bundaberg, c1999); STEINKE Henry Adolf d. 1.9.1965.
  8. [S10] Birth certificate, Franz Gustav STEINKE, 31 May 1888; photographic copy issued by Queensland State Archives for the Registrar-General refers to him as Henry Adolph.
  9. [S80] Queensland Registrar-General's births index; Walter Henry STEINKE (2 Jul 1912) 1912/C/6590 parents Henry Adolph STEINKE, Bertha Auguste HOGER.
  10. [S20] Monumental inscription, Plainland Lutheran Cemetery, Henry Adolph STEINKE (headstone photographed 2017 by Judy WEBSTER).
  11. [S80] Queensland Registrar-General's births index; Clara Agusta STEINKE (8 Feb 1910) 1910/C/5456 parents Henry Adolph STEINKE, Bertha Auguste HOGER.
  12. [S80] Queensland Registrar-General's births index; Louisa Bertha STEINKE (9 Mar 1911) 1911/C/5552 parents Henry Adolph STEINKE, Bertha Auguste HOGER.
  13. [S80] Queensland Registrar-General's births index; Esther Emma STEINKE (26 May 1914) 1914/C/6632 parents Heinrich Adolf STEINKE, Bertha Auguste HOGER.
  14. [S171] Email, 31 Jan 2005, Kerri KLEIDON to Judy WEBSTER.
  15. [S171] Email, 31 Jan 2005, Kerri KLEIDON to Judy WEBSTER (source not cited). Correct spelling of place (from Department of Natural Resources: Qld Place Names Gazetteer, 14 May 1999) is Plainland.
  16. [S171] Email, 31 Jan 2005, Kerri KLEIDON to Judy WEBSTER (source not cited).
  • Don't rely on what you see here; verify it yourself. See Citations, and [Source] pages to which they lead.
  • I welcome corrections, additions or questions. My address is at the bottom of the page.

Edith Augusta Steinke1,2

#1081, b. 26 Jun 1886, d. 11 Jul 1945
FatherGustav Ferdinand Steinke3 (circa 1854 - 1941)
MotherWilhelmine Friedrike Limberg3 (circa 1854 - 1921)
Birth*26 Jun 1886Queensland, Australia3,4 
Marriage*15 Dec 1904Patrick John Lyons; Queensland, Australia5,6,7 
Name VariationIda Auguste Steinke3 
Death*11 Jul 1945Queensland, Australia8 
Memorial-*Laidley, Queensland, Australia9 
Children with Patrick John Lyons:
Children 1.Eric Francis Lyons10 ( - 1978)
 2.Bert William Lyons11 (1905 - 1977)
 3.John Francis Lyons12 (1909 - 1988)
 4.Margery Edith Lyons13 (1909 - )
 5.Patrick James Lyons14 (1911 - 1962)
 6.Charles George Lyons15 (1912 - 1966)
 7.Percy Emil Lyons+16 (1914 - 1980)
 8.Eileen Lyons+17 (1915 - 1998)
 9.George Edward Lyons18 (1917 - 1941)
 10.Kenneth Kevin Lyons19 (1922 - 1982)
Appears on Chart:STEINKE Descendant Chart


  1. [S81] Queensland Registrar-General's marriages index; 1904/C1810 Patrick John LYONS and Edith Augusta STEINKE.
  2. [S171] Email, Jean FFRENCH to Judy WEBSTER, 31 Mar 2013.
  3. [S80] Queensland Registrar-General's births index; Ida Auguste STEINKE (26 Jun 1886) 1886/C/7107 parents Gustav Ferdinand STEINKE, Wilhelmine Friedericke LIMBERG.
  4. [S92] Her brother Frank's birth certificate (in 'Previous issue of the marriage') lists her as 'Eda Augusta.'
  5. [S81] Queensland Registrar-General's marriages index; 1904/C1810 Patrick John LYONS & Edith Augusta STEINKE.
  6. [S171] Email, Jean FFRENCH to Judy WEBSTER, 31 Mar 2013.
  7. [S170] Family Group Sheet, anonymous by request, 20 Aug 2004.
  8. [S79] Queensland Registrar-General's deaths index; 1945/C3138 (11 Jul 1945) Edith Augusta LYONS, parents Gustav Ferdinand STEINKE, Wilhelmine Friedericke LIMBERG.
  9. [S20] Monumental inscription, Laidley cemetery; Edith A. LYONS (headstone photographed 2021 by Judy WEBSTER).
  10. [S79] Queensland Registrar-General's deaths index; 1978/C1416 (19 Feb 1978) Eric Francis LYONS, father Patrick John, mother Edith Agusta STEINKE.
  11. [S80] Queensland Registrar-General's births index; 1905/C8245 (14 Feb 1905) Bert William LYONS, father Patrick John, mother Edith Augusta STEINKE.
  12. [S79] Queensland Registrar-General's deaths index; 1988/52056 (15 Mar 1988) John Francis LYONS (born 1910), parents Patrick John LYONS and Edith Augusta STEINKE.
  13. [S80] Queensland Registrar-General's births index; 1909/C5609 (13 Jul 1909) Margery Edith LYONS, father Patrick John, mother Edith Augusta STEINKE.
  14. [S80] Queensland Registrar-General's births index; 1911/C5670 (17 Apr 1911) Patrick James LYONS, father Patrick John, mother Edith Auguste STEINKE.
  15. [S80] Queensland Registrar-General's births index; 1912/C6991 (30 Oct 1912) Charles George LYONS, father Patrick John, mother Edith Augsute [sic] STEINKE.
  16. [S80] Queensland Registrar-General's births index; 1914/C6929 (2 Jul 1914) Percy Emil LYONS, father Patrick John, mother Edith Auguste STEINKE.
  17. [S80] Queensland Registrar-General's births index; 1915/C13919 (23 Sep 1915) Eileen LYONS, father Patrick John, mother Edith Auguste STEINKE.
  18. [S80] Queensland Registrar-General's births index; 1917/C1738 (31 Jan 1917) George Edward LYONS, father Patrick John, mother Edith Auguste STEINKE.
  19. [S79] Queensland Registrar-General's deaths index; 1982/53467 (23 May 1982) Kenneth Kevin LYONS (born c.1923), father Patrick John, mother Edith Augusta STEINKE.