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Neglected, Adopted or Orphaned Children
This site uses terms that appear in historical records. No offence is intended. Most of the names below are from records of 'neglected' children, but I've included a few orphans and adoptees for whom I've found information in unexpected sources. Explanation of names below:
ABRAHAM John ABRAHAM Lillie ABRAHAM Lizzie AH SAM Ruby AH SUE Bridget (see ASUE) AH SUE Eliza (see ASUE) ALBON Frederick ALLEN Ada ALLEN Amelia ALLEN Ellen ALLEN James ALLEN Johanna ALLEN Lily ALLEN Maggie AMPHLETT Dorothy E ANGEL .. (3 children born 1870s) APPLETON Sarah A ARMSTRONG Joseph ASHCROFT Florence ASHCROFT Myra ASHCROFT Ruby ASUE Bridget ASUE Eliza ATKINSON Annie Harriett ATKINSON Ernest Darly ATKINSON Florence Beatrice ATKINSON Jane Adelaide AVERY Minnie How to get copies BAKER John BAKER John BALL Charles BALL Henry BALL Susan BALLARDIE Archibald John BALLARDIE Ethel Adeline BANNISTER Daisy Leila BARBER Florrie BARNET John BARNHAM Annie BARNHAM Myrtle BARRETT Catherine BARRY Lizzie BARTLEY Caroline BARTLEY Hildred BARTON Martha Christian Victoria BARTON Mary J BARTON Mary Jane BARTON William BATES .. (children of George BATES) BATES Lily BATTEN Cyril BECK Maud BECKETT Ernest BECKETT Ernest Samuel BECKETT Florence A BECKETT Florence Amy BECKETT Winifred A E BECKETT Winifred A E BEST Fanny BISHOP .. (born c.1917; adopted by Mr and Mrs BISHOP) BLACKBURN Stella May BLANCHARD Frank BLANCHARD Josephine BLANCHARD Virginia BLOOM Bertie BOARDMAN Thomas BODKIN Lizzie BOLTON Annie BOLTON Mabel BOOTH Charles BORN Ellen BOURKE Mary Ann BRADY Sarah BRASH William BREEZE Alice Maud BREEZE Doris Elizabeth BREEZE Eileen Emma BRIDGE Eileen BRIDGE Violet BROWN .. (2 neglected children c.1894) BROWN Annie Ellen BROWN Sarah BROWNE Sarah BUCKLEY Roby BURNS Arthur BURNS Charles BURNS Dolly BURNS Violet BUSSON Clifford BUTLER Elizabeth How to get copies CAIN Eliza Jane CAIRNS Alick CAMERON Ada CAMERON Margaret CAMPBELL Victor CANNING Cecil Coral CARNE Wilfred CAULFIELD Mary CAVILL Annie CHALMER Joan Mary CLARK James CLARKE Lavina CLARKE Sophia COAD Elsie May COLECHIN Jessie CONEY Thomas CONEY William COSTER Leopold COWEN Mary Anne CRAMP Arthur CRAWFORD William Henry CREED Smith CROCOMBE Lily CROMWELL Mary Anne CROTTY Ellen CUTTS Ethel How to get copies DAFFEY Bert DAFFEY William DARKNELL Emily (see DARTNELL) DARTNELL Emily DAUTEL Martha Magdalena DAVIS Ellen DAVIS Mary DEVLIN Dora DINI Kate DODD Daisy DODD Polly DODD Tommy DOHERTY Lizzie DOW Millie DOWLING William DOYLE George DOYLE John DOYLE Patrick DREW Ellen Laurine DUFFY Catherine DUFFY Ellen DUFFY John DUFFY William DUGGAN Bridget DUGGAN Catherine DUGGAN Charles DUVAL Louisa How to get copies EDWARDS Elizabeth EDWARDS Elizabeth EDWARDS William Albert ELSTOB Margaret Zena EMANUAL Henry ERAMAN Evelyn ESPIN Mary Amelia EVANS Annie EVANS Bella How to get copies FARLOW Louisa FARRELL Alfred (or FERELL) FAY Cecil FAY John FERELL Alfred (see FARRELL) FERRADAY Charley FIELDER Louisa Mary FIEN Leonard FINCHMAN Herbert FISHER William FITZGERALD Thomas FLEMING Nellie FORBY Leo John FOSTER Lizzie FRAWLEY Agnes FRAWLEY Agnes FRAWLEY Charles FRAWLEY Thomas FRITSCH William Joseph FROST Mary How to get copies GABRIEL Edward GIBSON Mary Ann GILLIGAN Jane GORDON Harriet GORDON Margaret GOUGH Gertrude GOUGH Hannah GOUGH Mary (Polly) GRAHAM Ernest GRAY Dorothy GRAY Minnie GRAY Samuel GRIFFITHS Priscilla Ida GRIGGS Ivy Gertrude How to get copies HACKETT Frederick W HACKETT Minnie HALL Annie HALL Elizabeth HALL John HALL Lizzie HAMMEL Kate HAND Jessie HEINSON Ethel HEINSON Lillie HEINSON Lousia HEMSON Albert HEMSON Alfred HEMSON Herbert HENDERSON Arthur HERBERT Neville Edward HERMAN George HEWITT Carrie HEYER .. (a boy) HILDENBRANDT Josephine HILDENBRANDT Margaret Emma HILL Anastasia HILL Catherine HILL James HOLOHAN Edward Bartholomew HOLOHAN John HOLOHAN Nellie HOLOHAN Thomas HOLT Margaret Anne HOPPER Kathleen HOWARD Alma HOWE John How to get copies IRWIN George JACKSON Duncan Wilford JACKSON Duncan Willford JACKSON Ethel JACKSON George JACKSON James JACKSON John JACKSON Kate JACKSON Kate JACKSON Lizzie JACKSON Rose JARVIS Henry JEFFREY Ada JEFFREY John JENKINS Harold JOHNSTON Ellen JOHNSTON James JOHNSTON Walter Ernest JONES Annie JONES Annie JONES Edmond JONES Hector JONES Hester JONES Lilly JONES Thelma Grace JONES Thomas JONES Thomas How to get copies KEDGE Norman KELLY Alma KELLY Mary KENNEDY John KERR William George KEYSTON Jane KING Bessie KNIGHT Margaret KOSTER Ethel May KRUGER Alwyn KRUGER Lewis Wilhelm KUCH James How to get copies LACY Edith LAMPE Elizabeth LAMPE James LAMPE John LANGLEY Pearl LEE George LEE John LEE Maggie LENNOX Alexander LESLIE Alice LEWIS Elizabeth LEWIS Robert H LEWIS Robina R LINSKETT William LOWRY Evelyn May LOWRY Frank LOWRY John LUCAS Charles Edward LUPTON Doreen LYMER John How to get copies McAVOY Alice McAVOY Sarah McCARTHY Austin McCARTHY Clara McCARTHY Edwin McCARTHY Elizabeth McCARTHY William McDONALD Kate McINERNEY James McIVOR Lizzie McIVOR Lizzie McKENZIE Alice McKENZIE George McLEAN Mary Rubie McMAHON Catherine McMAHON Edward McMAHON James McMAHON John McMAHON Leslie Thomas McMAHON Michael McMANUS Alice M McMANUS Alice Maud McMANUS George Henry McMANUS George Henry McMURDY Joseph McPHERSON Matilda McROBERT Gordon McROBERT John How to get copies MADDIGAN Lottie MADIGAN Lotty MADIGAN Ruby MAHER David Thomas MAHER Isabella MAHER Violet May MALLETT Mary MALONE John Henry Lawrence MARTIN Ellen MARTIN Frank MASON Frank MATEER .. (neglected child c.1895) MAXWELL James METCHER Claude METCHER Emily METCHER Percy MITCHELL Mary MITCHELL Samuel MITCHELL Stanley MORRIS Frank Leslie MORRIS Thomas MULLEN Francis MULLINS William MURLESS Bertha May MURRAY James MURRAY Maud MUTTON Ernest How to get copies NEAN Ivy Lily NEAN Lizzie Dorothy NELSON John Joseph NEWMAN Theresa NICOL Owen NICOL Walter NOLAN Bedan John How to get copies OCALLAGHAN Mary OLSEN Thelma Grace OLZARD Charlotte Anne OLZARD Christina Jane OLZARD Harriet Sarah OLZARD Joseph John ONEILL Ada ONEILL Amy ONEILL Ernest ONEILL Vera Madeline How to get copies PARKES Christina PASCOE Violet PATTERSON Katty PATTERSON Maggie PATTERSON Ronald PAUL Stewart Frederick PIERPOINT Margaret POLITES Alice POLK William POLLOCK John PORTER Mable Elizabeth POTTER Frederick William How to get copies RAMAGE Mary RAWLINGS Sarah Jane RAY Rosina Myrtle REID Isabella RITTLER Anton RITTLER August RITTLER Patrick RITTLER Stephen Ambrose ROBERTS Sydney ROBINSON William RODGERS Joseph Frederick ROSS Elizabeth ROWE George ROWE Rose RYAN Patrick RYAN Patrick RYAN Thelma Grace How to get copies SCHELLER Dorothy Lily SELLS Gusta SHOVE Ellen SHOVE Florence Margaret SHOVE Lily SHOVE Violet Ellen SHUGG Alexander SIELAFF Franz Carl Hermann SIGVART Vivian Roy SMITH Gilbert SMITH John SMITH Lily SMITH William Thomas SNEDDON Harry SOMERVILLE Herbert James SOMERVILLE Robert Andrew SOMERVILLE William George SPENCER Frederick William SPENCER George E SPENCER Pearl I STAFFORD Richard STARMER Ellen STEEL Harry STEEL John STEELE Harry STEELE John STEMM Sarah STENHOUSE George J STUART Lucy SWORT Harriet SWORT Herbert SWORT Thomas W How to get copies TAIT Mary TATTERN James TERRELL Victor John THOMPSON Charles THOMPSON Ellen THOMPSON George THOMPSON James THOMPSON Mary THOMPSON Mary THOMPSON Rebecca TOOMBS John TREVELLYNE William TREVETON Charles TREVETON Charles TUCKER Muriel Edith How to get copies VAUGHAN Cecil WADDINGHAM Arthur WALDERON John WARRIAN William Henry WATSON Eliza WATSON Lizzie WATSON Richard WEATHERTON William WEBB Alice WEBB Alice WEBB Alice WHITEHEAD Thomas WILKINSON A R WILLIAMS Ada (child of George and Charlotte) WILLIAMS Edward WILLIAMS Florrie (child of George and Charlotte) WILLIAMS Frederick Foster (child of George and Charlotte) WILLIAMS James WILLIAMS John WILLIAMS William WITHERS Theresa WON YOUNG Polly WONG CHONG Alice Charlotte WRAGGE George WYER Henry WYER Robert WYER William How to get copies YOUNG Lucy YOURALL Bridget YOURALL Ellen YOURALL Rose How to get copies Genealogy is my business (not just a hobby), and I've spent almost 40 years learning about (and indexing) original records, so I charge fees for my time (to consult my index and source notes, travel to a record office, find the bundle/volume and file/page, obtain copies and send them to you). You don't pay for '(see...)' cross-references. For example, if the list said
Option No.1: Neglected Children INDEX: Record Series & Quote. $4 for one entry, plus $1 for each additional entry (same name or different names). What I'll tell you (from my index):
To send a request, follow these steps:
Option No.2: Neglected Children: Digital COPY. The cost will depend on the record series, because the number of pages and record format will vary (eg: loose page within a bundle; microfilmed file; hardcopy register; etc). Use the Record Series/Quote service above. Other Suggestions:
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