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Judy Webster's Genealogy Tips and Indexes
for local, interstate & overseas folk with historical records
in Queensland and other Australian States

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Copying, Research & Other Genealogy Services.
This site uses terms that appear in historical records. No offence is intended.

I've spent over 35 years, and thousands of dollars, learning about research techniques and historical records. Genealogical services are my business, and I charge fees for my time, but a huge amount of advice is on this site and my other genealogy sites, and in my mini-guides (see 'Advice' below).

My professional services, for which fees apply:

1.  Copying Service for original historical records that I've indexed (the 70,000 names on my Web site, which include local, interstate and overseas residents mentioned in records held in Queensland and other Australian States).  On each page with names, read the explanation at the top, then the section (near the end of that page) marked 'Copying Service' or similar, and carefully follow the instructions there.  I cannot do anything until you follow those instructions.

2.  Apart from those 'copying' jobs, the only requests that I can currently consider are:

  • Searches for Queensland wills, intestacies, inquests, divorce files, school admission registers, prison records, some Court and police station records, teachers' records and Dunwich Benevolent Asylum records, and searches in Queensland Police Gazettes 1864-1959, if you know an approximate year. A deposit (minimum $40) must accompany all such requests, but any unexpended sum is refundable, and the total cost is negotiable.

  • Legal work for solicitors or State Trustees, tracing Queensland beneficiaries of deceased estates. Ask me for a request form.

Fees:  When setting fees, I need to consider (1) my time (the time it takes me to index historical records; create webpages; read and respond to emails; plan research; travel to a record office in Brisbane; search the records; take digital photos, or scan from microfilm to USB; and send you copies and source citations), plus (2) business expenses such as website hosting costs, Internet access, electricity, computer hardware and software, equipment repairs, and ongoing education (books, genealogy seminars, etc).

Note my privacy policy.


I cannot give free advice by email, but you may find answers to your questions via links below. However, I'm approaching retirement, and this website will then cease to exist unless the cost of keeping it online is covered by visitors' donations.

Other professional researchers:

I'm often asked to recommend other professional genealogists. It is my policy to do so only if I have personally used their services and found their work to be of a very high standard.

Research in Victoria:

Research in other areas:

  • Other researchers whose services I've used are currently unavailable, but the Society of Australian Genealogists may be able to recommend someone.

  • For NSW *certificates*, use a Transcription Agent such as Marilyn ROWAN or Joy MURRIN.

  • For professional assistance with genetic genealogy, contact Mrs Kerry FARMER. If you click 'contact' on, that will probably format an email automatically.

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Reasons why I use and recommend Findmypast


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Updated 6 Sep 2024. © Copyright Judy Webster.   My Privacy/Cookie Policy, and Disclaimer.

Creative Commons License This site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Australia License. I hold copyright in the contents of the site, which may be used for personal research only. If you reproduce any content in any way, you must acknowledge that it belongs to me. If you wish to use any part of this site for professional or commercial purposes, you must contact me in advance to obtain my permission.