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Free Downloads (each document opens in a new window):
- I'm constantly adding more names to my website. To keep track of which names you've looked for, on which pages, and when you last looked, use my free checklists. Download them as Excel spreadsheets, or create your own checklists (on paper or on a computer) using my column headings.
- Are you researching (1) a child with no father named on the birth record; (2) a child born less than 9 months after his/her parents married; (3) mothers of those children; or (4) women/girls whom you suspect may have had a child out of wedlock? You should check two (2) specific pages on my website. Use the Illegitimate Checklist in Excel format, or create your own checklist (on paper or on a computer) using column headings shown in this image.
- Are you researching someone who 'disappeared', or who was missing from electoral rolls for a while? You should check three (3) specific pages on my website. Use the 'Disappeared' Checklist in Excel format, or create your own checklist (on paper or on a computer) using column headings shown in this image.
- Are you researching someone with 3 or more given names? They could be in any of my indexes, but there's one in particular that you should check. Use the
3 Given Names Checklist in Excel format, or create your own checklist (on paper or on a computer) using column headings shown in this image.
- Are you researching someone with an unusual given name or surname? They could be anywhere on my website, but there's one page in particular that you should check. Use the Unusual Names Checklist in Excel format, or create your own checklist (on paper or on a computer) using column headings shown in this image.
- My Interim Index has names of men, women and children mentioned in interesting documents in archival series that are usually overlooked by family historians. This is an ongoing project, so keep track of which names you've looked for, and when you last looked, by using the Interim Index Checklist in Excel format, or create your own checklist (on paper or on a computer) using column headings shown in this image.
- Family Group Sheet (PDF format). I designed this modified version to record extra information (baptism, burial, will, newspaper notice, places of residence etc). Tips on making the most of the Family Group Sheet and Pedigree Chart are in one of my mini-guides, Family History for the Time Poor.
- Pedigree Chart (PDF format).
- Records checklist for use with the Pedigree Chart. Choose PDF or Word format. You can modify it to suit your needs.
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PageUpdated 18 Nov 2024.
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