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Judy Webster's Genealogy Tips and Indexes
for local, interstate & overseas folk with historical records
in Queensland and other Australian States

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Judy Webster's Family Tree
  • Many family lines in Yorkshire (1700s to the present day). Some moved to the Stockton-on-Tees area in County Durham. Others emigrated.

  • Many families with origins in Middlesex and Surrey (now Greater London).

  • Early ancestors (1700s/1800s) in Somerset and Wiltshire (especially around Frome, Bath, Shepton Mallet and Warminster). Some descendants came to Australia.

  • Various lines in other areas including Bedfordshire, Kent, Lancashire and North Wales.

  • Known Scottish lines were in Argyll, especially Mull and Tiree, and Lanarkshire. Another line was probably from Aberdeenshire. Some members of my Scottish families went to Canada.

  • One known Irish ancestor (maybe a soldier's daughter), supposedly born Fermanagh 1820s-1830s.

  • My Mum's ancestors were from Germany/Poland and West Prussia. Some families emigrated to Queensland, others to America.

  • I use many 'neglected' sources, and I have detailed source references. I'm happy to exchange information. My contact details are on these sites (each opens in a new window):

    1. Family tree for my British and Irish ancestors and their descendants in Britain, Australia, Canada, USA, Argentina etc. (Most recent additions and corrections: 10 June 2024.)

    2. Family tree for my German, Polish and Prussian ancestors and their descendants in Australia. (Most recent additions and corrections: 10 May 2023.)

    3. Combined surname index (all surnames from those two trees).

  • I've done DNA tests for genealogy through AncestryDNA and FamilyTreeDNA and LivingDNA. I've also uploaded my raw data to Gedmatch and MyHeritageDNA.

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