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Judy Webster's Genealogy Tips and Indexes
for local, interstate & overseas folk with historical records in Queensland and other Australian States. © Copyright, Judy Webster. Search this site Why I use and recommend Findmypast |
Missing Friends records
Surnames H - O There are several different series of 'Missing Friends' records, all of which are superb for family history, with historical background and/or biographical details and physical descriptions. Many records also say when/where the subject was found (or last seen), what alias he/she used, etc, and usually the enquirer's name/address. There are records for:
Explanation of names below:
Names beginning with: A - G H - O P - Z HAGAN StephenHAGEN James HAHN Henry L HALL Octavius Augustus HALL W P HALLEY John Stewart HALPIN Joseph James HAMILTON Hannah HAMNETT Henry James HANCOCK Robert HANLON James Anthony HANSEN Gens HARDY Harold George HARE Arthur Ernest HARKINS Edward HARRIS James HARRIS Joseph HARRIS Samuel HARRISON Ethel HARTWIG Mary HARVEY James HARVEY Robert HARVEY Tom HARVIE James HATHAWAY William HAYES Bridget HAYES Edward Bryan HAYWARD James HAYWARD Reubin HEALY Thomas HEARN Maria (of Eulo) HEAZLE Robert HEIN .. (female; born about 1890) HELLMUTH Theodore Johannes HEMNLING John HENDERSON Alfred Edward HENNING Thomas HENRY James HERBERT Thomas HERRNBRODEL Julius HEUSIR Annie HILL Archie (Sergeant-Major) HILL Edward HILL James HILLIER Julius HOCKING Fred HODGE George HODGSON Ernest Albert HODSON .. (husband of Mary Jane of NZ) HOGAN Michael HOJGAARD Christen HOLLAND David HOLLAND Thomas HOOD Ethel HOOK Joseph John HORBURY Alfred HORN James HOSCOCK John Andrew HOVENDEN William HOWARD John HOWLAND Julius Hagbart HUMPHRIES Samuel HYDE James How to get copies ISSITT Edward How to get copies JACKSON Charles JACKSON Marian JAHUKE Ernest William Henry JAMES Richard Theodore JAMIESON Agnes JANSEN Oscar JAUNCEY Jacques (see Sieur Jacques JAUNCEY) JAUNCEY Sieur Jacques ? JEFFREY Thomas R JEFFREYS William JENSEN Karl JENSEN Soren August ? JEROME John James JOHNSTON Charles JOHNSTON George Alexander JOHNSTON Marcus JOHNSTON Robert JOHNSTON Thomas JOHNSTON Thomas JOLLIFFE Lewis JOLLIFFE Lewis JONES David Evan JONES Harry Samuel JONES Helen Patricia JONES Robert William JONES William T M JOY John JUST Otto Theodore How to get copies KAIN Charles KAVANAGH .. (Mr; Irishman) KEALY Michael KEATING Bridget KELLY Frank KELLY James Joseph KENNEDY John Harrison KENNY Alice Martha KENT Edward (Ned or Paddy) KERRIGAN John (or John Francis) KILCULLEN John KING Alfred KINLEAVY John KIRBY Jesse (or John) KIRBY John (see KIRBY Jesse) KIRK John Leo KITCHEN James KLIMPTZ Alfred KNIGHT Edward KREGER George KUNDER John Heinrich KYNDER John (see KUNDER John Heinrich) KYTE Susan How to get copies LABURNIY Meittie Autnette LACEY Henry LACY Albert LACY Charles LAINSON George LANDY Herbert Bowring LANG John MacIntyre LANTRY William John LARKINS Mary LAURIE Robert LAURIN Adolph Frederick LAWSON Charles LAWSON Herbert LE PLASTRIER Herbert Septimus LE VAUX Charles Wilton LEAN Malcolm Harvey LEDGERWOOD John LEE Herbert Septimus LEWIS William LIBERY Austin LIGHT Clara Kathleen LINDSAY Alexander LINDSAY Elizabeth Thompson LINDSAY William LINEHAN Martin (see LINEHAN Mort) LINEHAN Mort (or Martin) LITTLE Robert LOCKE Francis LONG Josephine ? LORD Tilly LUDGATER Frederick LUNNY Christopher LYNCH John How to get copies McCABE James McCAFFERY Alice McCALLUM Alexander McCALLUM Charles McCANN John Joseph McCARTHY John George McCARTHY Mary McCLEAN Alexander John McCOLL John McCORKELL W J McCRACKEN James Owen McDONALD Henry (wife's initials E.H.; was in NZ) McDOUGALL Dugaldgrame McERLEAN Bernard McEWAN George McEWAN Joe McGRATH Audrey Alexis McGREGOR Kate McGUIRE John McGUIRE John McKINNON Neil McKONE Thomas McLAUGHLIN Thomas McLEAN Alexander John (see McCLEAN) McLEAN John Humphrey McLEAN John Robinson McMAHON Terence McMAHON William Anthony McMANUS Frank McMILLAN James McNAMARA Catherine (nee DILLON) McNAMARA Patrick McNICOL George Edgar McPHERSON Donald McRAE George McRAE George McROBERTS Gordon McTAGGART Malcolm How to get copies MACDONALD George MACDONALD William MACKAY James MACKAY John MACKIE William Donald MADDEN William Francis MADSEN Ludvey Henry MAHER Joseph MAHONEY Terence MAKEN John MALAM Harold George Hardy MANTJARIS Mary MARMION William Preston MARTIN Frederick MARTIN John MARTINI Joseph Guiseppe MASTERS Walter Henry MATTERS Richard Thomas MATTERS William John MATTINSON John MAYHEW Harry MEADE James E MEARS Ernest Albert METCALF Benjamin MICHAEL Alexander MILLAR John MILLER Herbert MILLER Horace MILTON Dolph MILWAY James MINGE Thelma Grace MITCHELL Wallace MOFFATT Thomas MONDY James MONTEITH James MOONEY Thomas MOOR James MOORE .. (occupation: builder; related to Edward MOORE) MOORE George Mortin Tennyson MOORE James MOORE William MOORES John Thomas MORGAN Thomas MORGAN William MORRIS Eliza MORRIS Henry MORRIS Thomas MORRIS Vincent Thomas MORRISON Daniel MORRISON Harry MORRISSY Daniel MOSLEY .. (2 children in Gympie area) MOUNE John MOWAN Bridget MOWEN Thomas Joseph MOYNAGHAN John Joseph MOYNAHAN John Joseph MUIR Adie MULLEN John MULLERS Johannes Bendicksen MULLERY Isabella MUNRO James MURPHY Jack MURPHY Jack MURPHY James Samuel MURPHY Michael MURRAY .. (Mrs; wife of James) MURRAY James MURRAY Oswald (Ted) MURRAY Ted (see Oswald MURRAY) MYERS Charles How to get copies NASH Edward NEIDLER Annatte NEILSEN Jens NEILSEN Lurits NELINS .. (see NELIUS) NELIUS John NICOLSON Charles William Balgone NORTON Edward NOWLAN James William NOWLAN Thomas NUGENT William NUNN William Henry NURTON Robert Clifford How to get copies OBRIEN Frank OBRIEN Mary (Mrs) OBRIEN Thomas OBRIEN William Henry OCONNOR Adie OCONNOR Bernard OGILVIE Christopher OGLE John Richard OGLE Thomas Henry OHALLORAN John OKEEFE Patrick OKEEFE Patrick OLDFIELD Reginald OLDFIELD William (see Reginald OLDFIELD) OLOUGHLIN Larry OSULLIVAN Mary OSULLIVAN Timothy How to get copies Names beginning with: A - G H - O P - Z Genealogy is my business (not just a hobby), and I've spent over 35 years learning about (and indexing) original records, so I charge fees for my time (to consult my index, travel to a record office, find the bundle/volume and file/page, obtain copies and send them to you). You don't pay for '(see...)' cross-references. For example, if the list said
Option No.1: Missing Friends INDEX: Record Series & Quote. $4 for one entry, plus $2 for each additional entry (same name or different names). This option is especially useful for common names. If you get details from my index, you will sometimes see that the record must be for a different person with the same name, and you won't waste money ordering a copy that's irrelevant. What I'll tell you (from my index):
To send a request, follow these steps:
Option No.2: Missing Friends: Digital COPY. The cost will depend on the record series (because the number of pages varies). Use the Record Series/Quote service above. Search this site (do NOT use apostrophes; read search results page carefully) |
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