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Judy Webster's Genealogy Tips and Indexes
for local, interstate & overseas folk with historical records in Queensland and other Australian States. © Copyright, Judy Webster. Search this site Why I use and recommend Findmypast |
Missing Friends records
There are several different series of 'Missing Friends' records, all of which are superb for family history, with historical background and/or biographical details and physical descriptions. Many records also say when/where the subject was found (or last seen), what alias he/she used, etc, and usually the enquirer's name/address. There are records for:
Explanation of names below:
Names beginning with: A - G H - O P - Z ADAMS Frederick JohnADAMS Frederick John ADAMS William AHLBRANT Theodore AIDE Ellen ALCORN Violet Emily Alexander ALLAN .. (b. c.1874; brother of W F ALLAN) ALLAN Annie Alexandra ALLEN Annie (Mrs) ALLEN Josephine ? AMBROSE George AMEDEE Joseph Jules AMES William ANDERSON Harold Townsend ANDERSON Jack (see ANDERSON Leo) ANDERSON Leo (or Jack) ANDERSON Mary ANDERSON Peter ANDERSON Willie (Aboriginal) ANDERSSON Carl Albert ANDREWS David APPLETON William ARUNDELL Randolf R AUKWOOD George (see AUKWOOD Harry) AUKWOOD Harry (or George) AYRES Edward Osborne AZIZ Abdul How to get copies BACHELOR Sarah BADDERY Mahomet M F BAILLIE William James Earnshaw BANKS .. (Miss; b.VIC c.1870s) BARCLAY Henry Frederick BARKER George A (junior) BARLOW James BARNETT Arthur Herbert BARRER Emily (part Aboriginal) BARRETT Joseph BARTLETT Ernest Wilmot BARTON Elizabeth (nee SHUTTLEWOOD) BASSI Andrew BATEMAN Enos BAYNES Percy BEAVIN George (see BEVAN) BECHELET Mary Ann BECHER Harry Fane BECKETT Charles BECKETT Charles BECKMAN Carl BELLERS Robert George BENSON Joseph BENSON Mabel (Mrs) BERGHOPER Ludwig BESSAC Paulin BEVAN George (or BEAVIN) BLACKMAN Albert BLAKE Egbert Mabille BLAKE William BLAKEMAN William Moss BLAKEMAN William Moss BLAND Henry Jessey BLANDFORD William Albert BLEASDALE John BOLGER Edward John (Teddy) BOLGER Walter F BOLIVER (Kanaka) BOLTON John BOMAN August Engelbert BONDSWORTH Jack BOOKER James BOOTLES Sydney BOXHALL Frederick BOYLAN James BOYLE Thomas BOYNE Thomas BRADBURY Joseph Theodore BRADY Rose Ann BRANTIGAN Jacob BRENT Frank BRILMAYER August (see BRYLMAYER) BROCKELBANK Robert F BROOKS James BROWN James BROWN Janet BROWN Maria Elizabeth BROWN Ralph William BROWN William BRYLMAYER August BUCHANAN George BUCHANAN Michael Angelo BUCKINGHAM Thomas BUCKLEY John McNaughton BURCHALL Mary (Aboriginal) BURDEN William BURNETT Richard BURNS Lavinia BURNS Margaret BURNS Michael BURRELL Joseph BUTLER John BYRNES Lizzie How to get copies CAESAR Augustus CAESAR Sheridan (see CAESAR Augustus) CAIRNS Edward Michael CAMPBELL Hughie CAMPBELL James (junior) CAMPBELL Robert CANTWELL William Henry (Harry) CAPLICE Patrick CARRIGAN Edward John CARRINGTON George CARROLL Mary CASSON Fred CHAMBERS Sarah Jane CHRISTIE Emily (see CHRISTIE Emma) CHRISTIE Emma (or Emily) CHRISTIE John CHURCH William Joseph CLARE George Augustus CLARK Charles Presley CLARK Joshua CLARK Thomas Joseph CLARKE Alice CLARKE William CLAYDON Robert William CLAYDON Robert William CLEARY John COBINE James COLE Frederick COLLIE Elizabeth Mary (nee RUSSELL) COLLINS James CONNOLLY William CONROY Thomas CONSIDINE John CONWAY John COOLEY James COOPER Herbert Septimus COPE Edwin CORNER Harry Lewis (see CORNER Henry Lewis) CORNER Henry Lewis COTT James COWLEY Alice COWLEY Henry COYES Henry (see DE COYES) CRABTREE Joah Robert CRAIG George CRAWFORD Andrew CRAWFORD John CRONIN Bridget (nee KEATING) CRONIN Thadeus ? CRUICKSHANK Barbara Jane CUMNER Joseph CUNNINGHAM John CUNNINGHAM Patrick John How to get copies DALTON Charles DAVIES David DAVIS Dorothy Joan DAVIS Francis Walter DAVIS Frederick Howard DAVIS Richard DAWES Alfred Ernest DAWSON Joseph DAY Jack DE COYES Henry DELANEY John DETMERING Friedrich DICKSON Fred DILLON Catherine DILLON Edward DINEEN Julia (Cissy) DIXON Alice DOBINSON Wilhelmina DODDS Hugh DOLBY Robert William DONOVAN Daniel DONOVAN Timothy DORRIES John DOYLE John DOYLE Thomas DRINAN Patrick DRINON Patrick (see DRINAN) DUCLER Albert ? DUNEMANN Cecil Frederick W DUNN Harry DUNPHY Anna Maria DYNON Nellie How to get copies EASTLEY Thomas ECKBURRA Ida EDMONDSON Joseph EDWARDS Rose ELBOROUGH James ELLIOTT Cathcart William ELMS Clara Ann EMMETT Edward Webber ENGEBRETSEN Julius Hagbart ENGLAND Agnes ENGSTROM William Herbert ENTWISTLE Fred EVANS Edwin How to get copies FALZON Anthony FAULKENER William FENTON Sydney FERGUSON John FIELDING William FINCH John FISCHER Heinrich Carl Elias FISHER Clara Kathleen FITCH James FLANDERS Thomas Michael FLANNAGAN James FLEET William FLEMING Arthur Whitley FLETCHER Charles George FLOOD Andrew FLOOD Joseph Edward FLYNN Harry FORD Charles Frederick FORD Ida FORDE Patrick FOX Charles FOX Thomas FRANKLAND Ernest Carter FRASER Sissie FRASER William Ernest Leonard FREEMAN Thomas Lyle FREEMAN William FRICK Augustus Christian FROST Henry George Mayhew FROST William Staunton FULLING Edward FULLINGTON Edward FULTON John FURNIVAL Gerrard FUZZLEDEEN .. (male; b.c1840s) How to get copies GALIEH Elias GALLAGHER Thomas GARDNER .. (brother of Jess GARDNER) GARLAND Albert Ernest GARNER William GEDDIE Frank GEORGETTI William GETTING Anna Maria (nee DUNPHY) GILMORE Nellie (nee DYNON) GILMORE Robert GLEESON William GLESSICH Ferdinand GOLDEN James GOODINSON Arthur GORDON Lewis Alexander GORDON Lou (see GORDON Lewis Alexander) GOW Mary GRAHAM John James GRAHAM John James GRAHAM John Logan GRAHAM Joseph GRAHAM Robert GRAHAM William Robert GRANGE Joe GRAY Alice (nee DIXON) GRAY Gilbert GRAY Joseph GRAY Patrick GRAY Richard S GREAVES Charles Edward GREEN Edward George GREEN Eugene Sidney GREEN Sydney A GREEN William Herbert GREER Maud GREVILLE .. (Professor) GREY Alfred James GRIFFIN Gordon Lewin GRIFFIN Maud GRIFFITHS Charles Henry GRIFFITHS Charles Henry GRIMSTONE Charles Herbert GROVES Selma GUNYAH (Aboriginal; see BURCHALL Mary) GUY Richard GWYNNE John How to get copies Names beginning with: A - G H - O P - Z Genealogy is my business (not just a hobby), and I've spent over 35 years learning about (and indexing) original records, so I charge fees for my time (to consult my index, travel to a record office, find the bundle/volume and file/page, obtain copies and send them to you). You don't pay for '(see...)' cross-references. For example, if the list said
Option No.1: Missing Friends INDEX: Record Series & Quote. $4 for one entry, plus $2 for each additional entry (same name or different names). This option is especially useful for common names. If you get details from my index, you will sometimes see that the record must be for a different person with the same name, and you won't waste money ordering a copy that's irrelevant. What I'll tell you (from my index):
To send a request, follow these steps:
Option No.2: Missing Friends: Digital COPY. The cost will depend on the record series (because the number of pages varies). Use the Record Series/Quote service above. Search this site (do NOT use apostrophes; read search results page carefully) |
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